News – January 2025
News – January 2025
It is a new year and we seem to have avoided the worst of the weather. This has given us a chance to catch upon some of winter jobs so the lakes and ponds are in a good condition for when it starts to warm yup.
George Cragg
A number of swims were showing their age with a few rotten boards so these have been replaced and the steps were getting a bit uneven so they have been levelled and refilled with gravel.
Badgers Wood
In addition, the team have finished off the strimming of the entire site so that should give the trees a bit of breathing space when they wake up in Spring.
Unfortunately, the cormorants are still on both ponds so if you are in the vicinity, please feel free to walk around as human presence is the only thing that seems to put them off.
The team responsible for our Eastern waters are still ploughing on at Decoy but things are likely to be on pause for a while until we get authority to work on the causeway (public footpath). The rest of the lake is still available for fishing and plenty of carp are being caught.
I gather there was a bit of an issue recently and the owner decided to lock the gate, denying access to our members. This has now been resolved, and the gate is once again open. The owner has mentioned that he does intend to repair the weir and causeway soon (don’t hold your breath!)
100 Club
December draw was won by Neil Townsend, January Hugh Franks. If you are contacted by our Treasurer, it is not a scam you really have won !
And finally…….. I am standing down as club Admin Officer so after several years of sending out my regular waffle and bull *** it is with regret that this is the last of my newsletters. I hope they have given you a better idea of what we do behind the scenes. When I took over members were kept in the dark with a newsletter every six months (if that) and you only really knew what was going on if you came to the AGM. There will still be reports etc on the website.