Senior Summer League 8 of 12 | Decoy lake | July 17th 2024


Senior Summer League 8 of 12 | Decoy lake | July 17th 2024

Senior Summer League 8 of 12 | Decoy lake | July 17th 2024

  1. Nigel Jackson | 84lbs 11oz | peg 28
  2. Kevin Tree | 75lbs 0oz | peg 12
  3. Norman Cragg | 61lbs 12oz | peg 30

Match Overview

Plenty of Carp were caught on the latest round of the a o p summer series, Yet again coming out on top was Nigel Jackson fishing his favourite paste, landing just under 85-0-0 from peg 28 he had most of his fish fishing at ten metres out in the lake and not the margins. Runner up was Kevin Tree from the opposite bank on peg 12 with a level 75-0-0 mostly on the method feeder and wafters, it could have been a different result as Kevin had clicked a 100-0-0 but found one of his nets had been pulled in when he went to weigh in and some of his Carp appeared to have managed to escape. Third was Norman Cragg on peg 30 with 61-12-0 also mainly on the method and wafters, with  390-0-0 being landed between the seven anglers it means that they averaged over 55 0 0 a man, not bad for a club water.