Rose Bowl Evening Series 5 of 6 | Vale Bridge | July 11th 2024


Rose Bowl Evening Series 5 of 6 | Vale Bridge | July 11th 2024

Rose Bowl Evening Series 5 of 6 | Vale Bridge | July 11th 2024

  1. Adrian Bell | 12lbs 14oz | peg 9
  2. Peter Baldwin | 5lbs 13oz | peg 8
  3. Darren Chilcott | 5lbs 11oz | peg 7

Match Overview

A clear win for Adrian Bell at Vale Bridge with a nice mixed net including three decent skimmers from the large platform swim near the entrance gate. Runner up was Peter Baldwin who edged second by a few ounces ahead of Darren Chilcott in third with a net of mainly Roach. The result could have been different if he had managed to land a Carp that he played for several minutes. With one round left the Rose Bowl is still up for grabs with only two points separating several of the anglers with the best five out of six results counting.