News | January 2024
News | January 2024
The Badgers Wood team managed to strim the entire site so there will be no need for a rearranged mega strim. The Christmas trees from last year have been removed from between the swims and replaced with fresh ones. For those of you new to the club these are used by the fish for spawning and also provide excellent refuges for fry over winter.
We have seen a number of cormorants at Badgers and George Cragg so if you are passing and have a couple of minutes please give the gates a rattle or even have a walk round the lakes as this is often enough to scare the cormorants off.
It is a case of one step forwards and two back at Wildings. Having fixed the damaged track there has been a development with regard to the causeway. Because of damage to the weir the owner has blocked access to the far side of both lakes via the causeway. Unfortunately, until the owner carries out the repairs, unless you fancy a long walk, fishing is only possible from the car park side of the lakes.
There have been a number of developments with regard to Decoy and the adjoining land but rather than set them out here these will be discussed at the Extraordinary General Meeting which we are intending to call in early March. See later
Other Maintenance issues
As mentioned in October’s news we are still looking at teams to look after the lakes. We have cover for Badgers etc and Decoy and Oldmans but are still looking for teams to manage the other waters.
If you are interested in getting involved please contact any member of the committee.
Extraordinary General Meeting
As mentioned in October because of the apathy of members in not attending the AGM we were unable to make any decisions and in effect are not able to manage the club. There are a number or pressing issues which we as a club need to address including the future of a number of our waters so we will be a calling an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held early March. Under the Company’s constitution we require a minimum of 30 people in order to make any decisions. Bearing in mind we have a total membership of over 700 members you would think that at least 30 members would be sufficiently interested in the club to want to attend.
An all users email will be sent out to all members once we have fixed a date and venue.
100 Club
The January draw was won by David Farmer.