Willey Challenge & Rod & Line Cup | 2nd leg | Hamsey | 14th August 2022


Willey Challenge & Rod & Line Cup | 2nd leg | Hamsey | 14th August 2022

Willey Challenge & Rod & Line Cup | 2nd leg | Hamsey | 14th August 2022

  1. Norman Cragg | 6lbs 6oz | peg 2
  2. Roger Bulman | 6lbs 5oz | peg 12
  3. Steve Pead | 3lbs 15oz | peg 4

Match Overview

Yet again for the third match in a row on the river the two end pegs produced the top two weights, with Norman Cragg narrowly beating Roger Bulman by a single ounce which makes him this year’s rod and line champion. Norman fished waggler with maggot at full depth for his 6-6-0 winning net from peg two and as peg one and three were not drawn he had plenty of room. Roger fished stick float and maggot on other end peg twelve for 6-5-0. Third place was Steve Pead who alternated between heavy stick float and a lighter stick float and finally Waggler shallow for 3-15-0 all on maggot. The match was brought forward two hours due to the high temperatures forecast and also to fit in with the tide which was the highest of the year. This was also the second round of the three match Willey Challenge Cup series and several anglers are still in contention for the cup which concludes in a fortnight’s time.