March 2022 News
As you can appreciate the maintenance team have been extremely busy clearing fallen trees following the run of storms we had at the end of February. Four trees have been cleared at Decoy including one particularly large one that had fallen alongside the causeway.
We also took the opportunity to drag the swims and removed a lot of fallen twigs.
On a slightly negative note we noticed that someone has been pruning back branches from swims 27 and 28. Unfortunately they haven’t made a particularly neat job of it and the cuttings were left behind the swims which is not good when we come to strim in early summer. We would refer you to the General Conduct Section of the Club Rules (paragraph 6) which quite clearly states that members should not be cutting down trees, branches etc indiscriminately. If a swim is becoming unfishable please refer to the Maintenance team who will take the necessary action.
We went back the following week to drain the mini pond in the car park and clear the overhanging tree. Despite a faulty chain saw we managed to take it down using hand saws and rather than yet another bonfire we used the branches etc to create a dead hedge alongside the middle gate.
Much better for the environment and it doesn’t look bad either.
It seems that there are a number of trees down at Masons and as some are too big to move by hand, we are speaking with the owners’ representatives to see what can be done. Also we can’t get down to the lake as the track and gated areas have been churned up by heavy machinery.
Match Secretary
The current Match Secretary, Colin Skeel will be standing down form 1 April. The Club are looking for a replacement so if you are interested please contact either Steve Pead or Dave Harper. Thanks to Colin for all he has done over the last year.
The 100 Club
The 100 Club for February was won by Steve Pead and the March draw by Simon Stone. Congratulations to you both.