10/10/24…KVH disease reported locally…Oldmans AND Wildings tracks now closed

10/10/24…KVH disease reported locally…Oldmans AND Wildings tracks now closed

10/10/24…KVH disease reported locally…Oldmans AND Wildings tracks now closed

10/10/24…KVH disease reported locally…Oldmans AND Wildings tracks now closed


Welcome to the new-look Notices section. Instead of individual notices that are replaced when we add the next item, we’ll be simply adding them to the noticeboard so they stay visible for longer. Off we go, then.

  • We’re aware that KVH – Koi Herpes Virus – has broken out on several local commercial fisheries resulting in the loss of fish stocks. Please be sure to wash your keepnets, landing nets and unhooking mats  thoroughly before use until the outbreak has subsided. Thanks!
  • Due to heavy rain, the track down to the lake at Oldmans is now CLOSED FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. Please check back here and we’ll let you know when and if it re-opens over the winter. Thanks!
  • Please note that the track down to the lake at Wildings is CLOSED FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE due to the bad weather. We’ll let you know when it opens again. In the meantime, please park at the top and walk down.
  • We recently recovered a barbed hook and braided hook length from a carp at Decoy. Please remember that barbed hooks and braided hook lengths ARE NOT PERMITTED on any club water under any circumstances. Thanks!
  • If you find a broken lock at one of our fisheries, please call Roy Fisher on 01444 235978 so he can replace it. Padlocks are the best way of keeping out poachers, so help us out by letting us know if one’s broken. And always lock the padlock again when you leave. Thanks!
  • After consideration we’ve decided to re-instate the Parking Permit and these have been emailed to all members. Please check the Spam/Junk folder of your email program if you haven’t received yours. These should be displayed on your car dashboard whenever you fish a club water. Just right click on the permit image with your mouse and then save it. You can now print it out in colour or black and white – either version is fine. Thanks!
  • The track down to the lake at Wildings is now open again. If you’re arriving before 8.00am please be extra quiet (no slamming car doors etc.) as the landowner has been getting complaints from people using the campsite. We’ll also be closing the lake for a week at some point so that a digger can be brought in to repair the causeway. We’ll let you know when that’s going to happen.
  • We’re running three Open Days/Coaching Sessions over the summer – please check out the Open Days page for more information. If you’re a Hassocks member and would like to help out, please contact Nigel Jackson on 07740 991223
  • Can we remind all disabled anglers using Decoy that they must shut and lock the barrier when leaving the car park. Thanks!
  • As of Sunday 9th of June, the track down to Oldmans lake is now open so you can drive down and park nearer the lake
  • Please note that peg 14 at Wildings is severely undercut so until it’s fixed, probably best to fish a different swim.
  • We’ve set up a classified buy/sell/donate page on Facebook for club members. Here’s the link to Hassocks Angling Classifieds. You’ll need a Facebook account in order to join in.
  • Please be aware that the track at Masons lake that leads to the car park is very rutted and slippery due to the recent rain, so please take care.
  • Please note that we no longer have access to the stretch of the Adur upstream of Wineham bridge. The landowner is selling the land.
  • The condition of the Wildings causeway has worsened and the east side of the lake is no longer accessible across the dam. The known problem of erosion on the exit pipe has been made much worse with the causeway bank undermined and recent soil dropping nearly 8 feet into the lower lake. We’re trying to find a way forward in co-operation with the landowner to resolve the issue.
  • “Magic Twig’ rig – this new carp rig is currently not permitted for use on any Hassocks water until we’ve had a chance to evaluate its safety properly. Please don’t use it – there are plenty of other ways to catch a carp!