News | October | 2024
News | October | 2024
Annual General Meeting
One final reminder before the AGM. Once again we will be holding this at the Kings Centre, Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9LR, on Friday, November 1st. Start time is 7 o’clock and refreshments will be provided. Invitations will be sent to those of you who have provided us with an email address and included in the invitation will be all the paperwork (Agenda, previous minutes, reports etc) you will need to participate. If you will be attending, please print off the documents as we do not propose bringing any along on the night. You can download the paperwork by clicking on this link.
Remember, this is your club so come along and participate. We look forward to seeing you there.
The work at Decoy is progressing and we have also been carrying out swim repairs at George Cragg. Some of the wooden boards are rotten so these have been replaced with composite decking boards. We had a number left over after we replaced some at Decoy so once again thanks to the Environment Agency who donated the materials.
Talking of Decoy a member sent the following photo of a signal crayfish which came out of the lake. This has been reported to the Environment Agency and the team managing the lake are aware. If you catch one please destroy it and under no circumstances should it be put back into the lake.

The 100 Club
August was won by Malcolm York, September by Gary Sheppard.