Club Match | Masons | March 26th 2023


Club Match | Masons | March 26th 2023

Club Match | Masons | March 26th 2023

  1. Lew Nightingale | 39lbs 15oz | peg 1
  2. Colin Ryall | 13lbs 15oz | peg 4
  3. Nigel Jackson | 9lbs 12oz | peg 3

Match Overview

A damp day greeted the five anglers on the final match of this season on a very high and rising Masons, with the lake actually rising by four to five inches during the match. Coming out on top was Lew Nightingale from front bank peg one who once again managed to locate the Carp, landing ten on method feeder and wafters for one ounce short of 40-0-0.Second was Colin Ryall from peg four in the rushes landing four Carp for one once shy of 14-0-0 on bomb and method feeder with corn and wafters. Third was Nigel Jackson from peg three landing the largest Carp on the day a 9-12-0 fish using his favoured pole and paste approach.