February 2023 News

February 2023 News

February 2023 News

February 2023 News

As is often the case February has been a bit of a quiet month and with no reports of fallen trees the maintenance team have had it a bit easier. That’s not to say we haven’t been busy.

When we were at Decoy last month we noticed that some of the wire fencing  in the woods had been severed so to try and deter visitors we went back and created a number of dead hedges and also planted 100 hawthorn seedlings. In time they should create a prickly barrier to deter anybody or anything getting to the lake through the woods. 

We have also noticed that a number of branches have been cut off the Black Poplar trees in the corner of the car park at Badgers Wood. It seems to be the lower branches but this really isn’t necessary as there is plenty of room in the car park without having to cut back any branches – plus it is against club rules. Please leave the trees alone and if there is anything which is overhanging at any of our locations please contact a member of the maintenance team who will check if any work needs to be done.

One last thing…. There was a report of fly tipping in the river at Wineham Bridge recently. Thanks to the members for letting us know but we are reluctant to sort this out ourselves because there seems to be an unwritten rule that the last person to touch the rubbish is responsible for clearing it up. 

As it was actually dumped in the river the first port of call should  be the Environment Agency via their hotline; the number is on the rod licence. Unusually in this instance they were a bit reluctant to get involved and suggested we contact either the local council or the landowner, We have told the landowner and hopefully the offending rubbish will be removed shortly.

On to better news. 

The bream we stocked in Badgers Wood have been a resounding success with some good specimens coming out in the last month and once again the reliable carp in Decoy have given a bit of sport for those who are prepared to try something a bit different, baitwise. 

I was also very impressed with Darren’s catches from the river at Wineham including a 5lb sea trout caught on maggots. What a result !

There don’t seem to be many pike pictures this winter but there are still a few weeks to go before the rivers close so don’t be shy and send us some pikey photos please .

100 Club

The January draw was won by Jean Fisher.