January 2023 News

January 2023 News

January 2023 News

January 2023 News

This month we are focussing on Decoy because that is where everything has been happening. 

Before Christmas we were called out to deal with a number of fallen trees, on the track, the causeway and a couple which we pulled out of pegs 1 and 2.  They were of no real size and we cleared them with the club’s pole saw.  Unfortunately  that was just the start of it. You may have seen the pictures on the website of the very large tree which came down across the track on Saturday 14 January. 

Fallen tree at Decoy lake
Fallen tree at Decoy lake

On closer inspection there were three separate trunks all of which were hung up in surrounding trees. Each one was a serious lump of wood so we needed chainsaws, a lot of brute strength and a bit of thought as to how to remove the fallen wood without wiping out any of the helpers. In the end we managed to remove some of the larger pieces by attaching a rope to one of the cars and literally towing the wood out. Not sure if the car involved still has a clutch !

It was not an easy job but we managed it with the help of our usual group of volunteers.



The cleared track at Decoy lake
The cleared track at Decoy lake

 Fish Stocking update

As promised we have now taken delivery of 1,000 new fish for Decoy. 

Here are just a few of the 500 skimmer bream
Here are just a few of the 500 skimmer bream



Some absolutely stunning crucian carp
Some absolutely stunning crucian carp

Other Matters

100 Club

The January draw was won by David Martin

The late Eric Crowe

It was good to see couple of members at Eric’s funeral and wake last Wednesday and thanks to the Club president, John Sach who said a few words acknowledging all that Eric has done for the club over the years. Eric was a well known character in Hassocks and must be one of the clubs longest serving members. As mentioned on the website he served on the Committee for a number of years and thanks to the generosity of Eric and Ann we were able to complete the access track at Badgers Wood and open the lake ahead of schedule. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Ann and Eric’s family.