Senior Summer League | 7th leg | Oldmans | July 6th 2022


Senior Summer League | 7th leg | Oldmans | July 6th 2022

Senior Summer League | 7th leg | Oldmans | July 6th 2022

  1. Kevin Tree | 10lbs 6oz | peg 15
  2. Rod Brown | 7lbs 1oz | peg 19
  3. Les Hammond | 6lbs 0oz | peg 11

Match Overview

A warm day with alternating periods of being overcast and then bright sunshine, which together with light breezes, seemed to deter carp and large bream from showing in numbers.

Winner Kevin Tree, landed a late and the only carp (3lb 6oz) which together with a number of bream totalled 10lb 6oz. Kevin caught with a long feeder cast from the new far bank to the island. Close behind for most of the match, runner up Rod Brown finished with 7lb 1oz and Les Hammond in third place with a net of mixed silvers to finish with 6 lb.

Next match:- 20th July 2022 at Decoy