As extracted from and incorporated in the Articles of Association

1 The Company
  • The Company shall be known as – HASSOCKS & DISTRICT ANGLING SOCIETY LIMITED
2 Registered Office
  • The Company shall be registered in England and the registered office shall be – Unit 43, Newhaven Enterprise Centre, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9BA
3 Objects
  • The objects of the Company are –
    1. to foster the art of Angling for its Members and Subscribers,
    2. to encourage would be anglers of all ages and abilities to participate,
    3. to provide through purchase or lease or under license venues suitable for angling.
    4. provide angling facilities for use by disabled persons, by adaptation or modification or by whatever means possible,
    5. to promote other non-political, sporting, social and recreational activities.
4 Not for Profit Status
  • The Company shall be established as a Not for Profit organisation and any income or property or other assets shall be used towards the Objects of the Company and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly to any Member by way of dividend or, bonus or otherwise.
5 Transfer of Assets
  • Upon winding up or dissolution of the Company, any remaining cash balance or property or other assets, held after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, shall not be distributed among Members but shall be transferred to some other Company or Institution with similar objects as this Company.
6 Liabilities of Members
  • The liability of each Member is limited to £1.00, being the amount that each Member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Company in the event of its being wound up while still a Member or within one year after ceasing to be a Member, for –
    1. payment of Company debts and liabilities contracted before ceasing to be a member and
    2. payment of costs, charges and expenses of winding up.
7 Application for Membership
  • No person shall become a Member of the Company unless that person has –
    1. read, understood and agreed to observe all the Rules and Bye-laws of the Company, and
    2. completed and signed an Application for Membership in a form approved by the Directors, and
    3. paid the appropriate membership fee.
8 Membership Subscription
  1. The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March and an annual membership subscription shall be –
    1. payable at a rate to be determined from time to time in General Meeting and
    2. due not later than the last day of April each year.
  2. Existing members paying their annual subscription fee before the due date may receive a loyalty discount which is determined from time to time in General Meeting.
  3. New applicants wishing to join after 1 October in any year may pay at a reduced rate equivalent to 50% of the current subscription fee. This concessionary rate is only available on first joining; all subsequent renewal subscriptions are to be at the full published rate and must be paid by the due date.
  4. All applications and appropriate subscription fees should be sent to the Membership Secretary or taken to any agent duly authorised by the Company.
9 Membership Categories
  1. Membership of the Company shall fall into the following categories
    1. Ordinary Members to include –
      1. Juniors between the ages of 12 to 17 years old
      2. Adults between 18 and the current state retirement age
      3. Seniors who have reached the state retirement age at the time of application or subsequent renewal
      4. Disabled persons, irrespective of age, but with a physical impairment and holding a current Blue Badge
    2. Life Members
    3. Honorary Members
    4. Non-Fishing Members.
  2. The Directors have the discretionary right to –
    1. limit admission to Membership in any or all categories and
    2. refuse any application without stating a reason.
  3. Life and Honorary Members shall be elected in General Meeting and for such period as the meeting shall determine.
  4. Junior and Non-Fishing Members do not qualify for any voting rights.
10 Change of Address or Membership Status
  • All Members must advise the Membership Secretary of any change of postal or e-mail address or status as soon as possible after the change has occurred. All notices and other communications will be sent to the last known address.
11 Termination of Membership
  1. A Member may withdraw from the Company by giving 7 days notice in writing. No reason need be stated.
  2. A persons membership terminates when that person dies. Membership is not transferable.
  3. No refund in part or in whole will be made for any unused portion of the annual subscription.
  4. Membership liabilities will remain in force until all outstanding debts or commitments due to the Company are satisfied in full.
12 Expulsion from the Company
  1. The Directors may expel any Member or impose any appropriate sanction for conduct considered to be in contravention of the Rules or Bye-laws or damaging or injurious to –
    1. the Company or its Objects or its reputation,
    2. any Company owned or controlled fishery or other property
    3. the best interests of other members or angling in general.
  2. Following receipt of a written and signed complaint against a Member, the Directors shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee to study the facts and determine a course of action.
  3. The member concerned shall be advised in writing of the complaint and shall have 14 days in which to
    1. justify their actions or defend themselves in writing or
    2. elect to appear before the Disciplinary Committee.
  4. Failure to respond will result in any decision being based on the evidence to hand.
  5. Complaints against Junior members shall be advised to their parents or guardians who shall be entitled to act on their behalf.
  6. If the offence is considered by the Directors to be of a serious nature, the Member concerned may be immediately suspended or have all privileges of membership withdrawn until such time as investigations by the Disciplinary Committee are complete and a final decision or course of action has been determined.
  7. Any decision of the Disciplinary Committee shall be final and shall be conveyed in writing to the Member concerned.
  8. An expelled Member shall –
    1. forfeit all rights and privileges of membership immediately on expulsion
    2. remain liable for all outstanding debts and commitments due to the Company which became payable or were incurred before the date of expulsion
    3. forfeit all claims to trophies or prize monies or any other claim on the Company
13 Organisation
  1. Management of the Company shall be vested in a Board of Directors who shall be authorised to conduct the business of the Company, for which purpose they may –
    1. exercise all powers of the Company
    2. promote the interests and objects of the Company
    3. operate bank accounts in the name of the Company
    4. purchase or take on lease or under licence or otherwise acquire land or property or angling rights for the use of members
    5. purchase or otherwise acquire plant and machinery, including office equipment of all descriptions to enable the discharge of their various duties
    6. borrow or raise monies for the objects of the Company on such terms and on such security as may be thought fit
    7. take and accept any gift of money or property or other assets to be used for the objects of the Company
    8. invest moneys of the Company not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investment as may be thought fit
    9. take and defend any legal action or proceedings which are beneficial to the Company or its objects or its members
    10. pay out of Company funds the costs and expenses of and incidental to the formation of this Company
    11. affiliate to or become members of any appropriate organization or professional body
14 Members Reserve Power
  1. Members may, by special resolution, require the Directors to take or refrain from taking any specified action.
  2. No such special resolution shall invalidate anything which the directors have done before the passing of the resolution.
15 Appointment of Directors
  1. There shall be not less than 6 Directors or more than 15 appointed at any one time.
  2. Any person who is willing to act as a Director and is permitted by law to do so and is a fully paid up Member of the Company may be appointed by –
    1. nomination and ordinary resolution at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company or
    2. a decision of the Directors until such appointment can be ratified at the next AGM.
  3. Any candidate must declare any interest they may have, in running, or association with, any other angling based company, society or institution. If such association is deemed to be against the interests of this Company, nomination will be disallowed.
16 Appoint of Non-Executive Officers
  1. The Directors may appoint non-executive Officers to particular areas of responsibility or delegate any of the powers conferred on them to such persons or committee as they think fit.
  2. If the Directors so specify, any such delegation may authorise further delegation of the Directors powers by any person to whom they are delegated.If the Directors so specify, any such delegation may authorise further delegation of the Directors powers by any person to whom they are delegated.
  3. The Directors may revoke any delegation in whole or in part, or alter the terms and conditions of same.
17 Committees
  1. Committees to which the Directors delegate must follow procedures based, as far as possible, on the General Rules covering decision making by Directors.
  2. The Directors may make special rules of procedure for all or any committee, which shall prevail over General Rules.
18 Directors Meetings
  1. The Directors shall meet regularly, wherever possible on the second Thursday of each month, to conduct the business of the Company and make any relevant decisions.
  2. The quorum for Directors meetings may be fixed from time to time by a decision of the Directors , but it must never be less than 3 eligible Directors.
  3. Decision making by the Directors shall be by majority vote of those present. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
  4. The Directors must ensure that the Company keeps a written record of each and every decision, taken by the Directors, for a period of 10 years from the date of the decision.
  5. The Directors may, at their discretion and under any terms they decide, invite or call upon any non-executive Officer or Member to attend a Directors meeting. Such invited attendees may be called upon to deliver reports, participate in any discussions, give advice on any subject matter raised or simply to observe proceedings and all persons present shall be entitled to vote in the decision making process.
19 Directors Remuneration and Expenses
  1. Directors give their services voluntarily and receive no remuneration unless determined otherwise at AGM.
  2. The Company may pay any reasonable expenses incurred by Directors in connection with the discharge of their responsibilities to the Company up to the limits set from time to time at the AGM for specific duties or as otherwise sanctioned by the board.
20 Annual General Meetings
  1. The Directors shall arrange an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held during the month of October each year to –
    1. receive and consider the Audited Accounts and Annual Balance Sheet
    2. appoint or ratify the appointment of Directors and Officers
    3. decide on any submitted resolutions.
  2. Notice of the date, time and location of the AGM shall be published on the Company website.
21 Extraordinary General Meetings
  1. An Extraordinary or Special General Meeting may be held at –
    1. any time that the Directors determine or
    2. upon requisition, in writing to the Admin Officer, of any 20 Members for any purpose stated in the requisition.
  2. The Directors shall consider all requisitions and unless considered frivolous shall call a General Meeting within 30 days of the requisition being received.
22 Attendance at General Meetings
  1. All duly subscribed Members and Directors of the Company may attend and speak at a General Meeting.
  2. The Chairman of the meeting may permit non-members to attend and speak at General Meetings.
23 Voting
  1. Notice of any resolution to be moved at a General Meeting, unless recommended by the Directors, must be submitted in writing to the Admin Officer no less than 6 weeks before the meeting and must be signed by the proposer and seconder.
  2. A resolution put to the vote at a General Meeting must be decided on a show of hands by those present unless a poll is demanded.
  3. Each duly subscribed or elected Member of the Company shall have one vote per motion, resolution or related amendment put before the meeting.
  4. A majority vote of those eligible and voting shall carry any motion or resolution save that no rule of the Company shall be made or replaced or amended on a majority vote of less than two thirds of the Members present and voting.
  5. In the event of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
24 Voting by Proxy
  1. Members shall have the right to appoint a Proxy to vote on their behalf by notice in writing to the Admin Officer
    1. states the name and address of the Member appointing the proxy
    2. identifies the person so appointed and the meeting to which that person is appointed
    3. is signed by the Member appointing the proxy and
    4. is delivered to the Company no less than 48 hours prior to the meeting in which it is to be exercised.
  2. Proxy notices may specify how the appointee is to vote or abstain from voting on any specified motions or resolutions put to the meeting. If not specified it must be treated as allowing the appointee to vote at their discretion.
  3. A notice revoking a proxy appointment only takes effect if it is delivered before the start of the meeting to which it relates.
25 Standing Orders
  1. All General meetings are under the control and guidance of the duly appointed Chairman of the Meeting.
  2. If anyone present refuses to obey the Chairman of the Meeting when called to order said person may, at the discretion of the Chairman, be named and expelled from the meeting.
  3. Any ruling or explanation by the Chairman of the Meeting on points of order or any question pertaining to the running of the meeting shall be final.
26 Inspection of Records or Accounts
  • Except as provided by law or authorised by the Directors or an ordinary resolution of the Company, no person is entitled to inspect any of the Company’s accounts or other records merely by virtue of being a Member.
27 Articles of Association
  1. This constitution is based on extracts from the Articles of Association of the Company and is intended as a guide to Members.
  2. A full copy of the Articles of Association is available to Members on application to the Admin Officer.
  3. Copies are supplied for the personal use of the Member and the contents are confidential and should not be disclosed in part or in whole to anyone who is not a subscribing member.
  4. A fee of £10.00, to be paid with your application, is charged to offset the costs of printing, packing and postage.



Bye-Laws Relating to Society Waters

These Bye-laws are intended to provide the basic rules governing best practice when using Company owned or controlled facilities and shall be binding on all Members of the Company.

The Directors may amend, add or delete any bye-law, on a temporary or permanent basis, as they deem necessary.

Such changes shall take immediate affect but will be subject to ratification by resolution at the next General Meeting.

1 Membership Identity
  1. Members must always have their Membership ID card, current subscription receipt and Environment Agency rod licence in their possession when on Company owned or controlled property.
  2. Members must be prepared to show these documents if required by –
    1. Company Bailiffs or other Officers or Directors,
    2. Gamekeepers or Owners agents,
    3. other Members, who all have the right to respectfully ask for proof of identity.
    4. Landowners or their representatives.
  3. Any person failing to produce the appropriate proof of identity shall be asked to leave. Incidents of suspected trespass, any misuse of facilities or inappropriate behaviour should be reported to the Company Bailiff, any Officer or Director or the EA (see phone number on your rod licence).
  4. Members must not allow their documents to be used by any other person to gain access to or use any Company facility. Any Member in breach of this rule will be expelled from the Company.
2 General Conduct
  1. Members must, at all times, conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner. No cause for complaint must be given to other anglers, Owners or local residents.
  2. Access to Company owned or controlled premises must be by the authorised entrance only. Close and re-lock all gates or barriers once access has been gained.
  3. Parking of vehicles must be in designated areas or authorised car parks. Please show due consideration for others by parking in an orderly fashion.
  4. Driving of vehicles around venues or along the banks for any reason or purpose is strictly forbidden.
  5. Access to swims must be by designated pathways or close to adjacent banks. Do not trespass on any adjoining land.
  6. No branches are to be broken or cut from trees or bushes and no rushes, reeds or other water borne plants are to be cut down or pulled out indiscriminately. Please inform the Fisheries Maintenance Officer if a swim is becoming un-fishable.
  7. No lethal weapons, open fires, naked flames or unattended cooking appliances are permitted on Company waters.
  8. No musical instruments are to be played or broadcast in the open, any music must be listened to through personal earphones only.
  9. Dogs are not permitted on any Company waters.
  10. Alcohol is not permitted on any Company waters.
  11. Keep swims in a clean and tidy order TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME
3 Availability of Waters
  1. All waters are subject to Environment Agency rules and licensing. Similarly any rules imposed by an Owner or any relevant Water Authority must be complied with.
  2. Still waters will be available all year round, subject to maintenance works.
  3. If any Company water is closed for any reason, it must not be fished by any Member until officially re-opened or under officially sanctioned trial conditions.
  4. See your fixtures booklet or Company Newsletters and Website for details of scheduled work parties and any exceptional closures or related official notices.
4 Angling Rules
  1. Only 2 rods are permitted on Company waters between 1st April and 30th September inclusive. Thereafter a third rod is permitted until the end of the season provided that the required number of EA licences are held.
  2. Rods, whatever the number, must be positioned in one swim. The outside distance between rod butts must not exceed 3 metres, in accordance with EA regulations. Rods and cast lines must not encroach or interfere with the activities of other anglers in adjacent swims or on the opposite bank of any water.
  3. If a rod is left unattended, the hook must be withdrawn from the water, the bait should be removed and the hook made safe.
  4. Landing nets, keepnets and keepsacks must be EA approved and not –
    1. have knotted mesh or a mesh made from a metallic material;
    2. have any holes in the mesh larger than 25mm internal circumference;
    3. be less than 2.0 metres in length;
    4. have supporting rings or frames greater than 40cm apart (excluding the distance from the top frame to the first supporting ring or frame) or less than 120cm in circumference.

    You may use a keepsack, but it must not –

    1. be constructed of a material other than a soft, dark coloured, nonabrasive, water permeable fabric;
    2. be less than 120cm by 90cm, if rectangular, or 150cm by 30cm by 40cm if used with a frame or designed with the intention that a frame be used.
  5. You must not keep more than one fish in a single keepsack at any time.
  6. Carp must be kept in a separate keepnet from that used for other species of fish.
  7. No fish over 10lb must be kept in a keepnet or keep sack for longer than 1 hour. Even in competitions every effort must be made to have such fish weighed and returned to the water within this time scale.
  8. No more than 50lb of fish should be kept in a single keepnet.
  9. All ‘live-baits’ used on any Company water must have been taken on the water they are to be used on. Any recovered ‘live-bait’ must be humanely killed.
  10. Fishing from boats is strictly forbidden on all Company waters.
  11. Pre-baiting is forbidden on Company waters during periods when they are closed.
  12. Only barbless or whisker-barb hooks are permitted on any Company water.
  13. Bait boats are strictly forbidden on all Company waters.
  14. The transfer of fish between waters is strictly forbidden, even between adjacent waters. Any Member found to be in breach of this rule will be summarily expelled from the Company and may be reported to the EA.
  15. All fish must be returned to the water as close as possible to where they were landed.
  16. Fish must not be carried around a fishery in nets, buckets or by any other method, with the exception of ‘live-baits’ for pike fishing.
  17. No fixed leads (Bolt Rigs) or feeders, with the exception of the Guru X-Safe Speed Stem elasticated stems, only free running terminal tackle permitted.
  18. No braided hooklinks are permitted.
5 Safety Rules
  1. No fishing rod or pole longer than 7 metres is to be used within 30 metres (measured along the ground) of any overhead power lines or their supporting structures – see also Safety Notice.
    (The Competition Secretary must ensure that this rule is observed when setting pegs for matches.)
  2. Members children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an Adult or Senior Member who accepts full responsibility for their actions and well-being, whilst on Company waters.
  3. All Members wishing to fish over-night must register with the Company Bailiff at least 24 hours before doing so. This applies to all Company waters. Some waters are also restricted on numbers allowed on any single night.
6 Miscellaneous Rules
  1. The maximum stay on any Company water is 36 hours and can only include 1 night session – see also section 8.
  2. No camping, picnics or tents are allowed on Company waters. Umbrellas with or without side skirts, angling shelters and angling bivvies may be used but only whilst angling.
  3. Specimen fish claims, for fish caught on Company waters, will only be ratified if supported by a photograph, the names of 1 adult witness and the details of the scales used.
  4. No single venue to be used for matches on consecutive days or weekends with the exception of More House farm or any other commercial waters we rent in the future. The Competition Secretary must ensure that this rule is observed when setting match schedules.
  5. Pleasure anglers are permitted to fish, on the day of a match, at the venue of an officially listed competition, but they can only choose a swim after the pegs for the competition have been allocated and after consulting with the CompSec. on the availability of swims. This rule is relaxed for evening match venues, where pleasure angling is permitted up to but not later than 2 hours before the scheduled match time. (i.e. if the match is scheduled for 5.00pm the water must be vacated no later than 3.00pm).
7 Night Fishing
  1. Night fishing shall mean the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise.
  2. Night fishing is not permitted at a venue on the night prior to an officially scheduled competition at that venue.
  3. No Junior members are permitted to be present or fishing at night unless accompanied by an Adult or Senior accepting full responsibility for their behaviour and well-being.
  4. Anglers must show due respect for landowners and fellow anglers by –
      1. keeping noise to a minimum
      2. not wandering around the venue or adjoining land,
      3. avoiding shining lights around the venue.
      4. Lights to be shielded from the water. No pressure lamps.
8 Guest Tickets
  1. Guest Tickets are available for purchase in advance via the website – – or from the Membership Secretary.
  2. Restrictions –
    1. Maximum 2 Guests per Member on any one day.
    2. Guests must be accompanied by an adult or senior member at all times.
    3. The same guest can only purchase 3 day Guest Tickets or 1 weekly Guest Ticket in a season, after which they will need to join the Company to fish the Company waters.



For the purposes of these rules the Competition Secretary shall be referred to as the CompSec. which shall also be taken to mean the person in charge on the day.

1 Organisation
  1. The Competition Secretary, with the assistance of his Deputy and Team Captains, if required, shall set the official Fixture List and shall be responsible for all Match arrangements, excluding transport to or from venues.
  2. Competitions will be held as per the published official listing unless any unforeseen emergency arises.
  3. The CompSec. is responsible for setting pegs, which are to be a minimum of 15 metres apart, wherever practical. No pegs to be placed within a 30 metres exclusion zone around any overhead power line or support structure. Placement on venues with clearly defined swims less than 15 metres apart can also be made at the discretion of the CompSec.
  4. Scale Stewards will be appointed on the day by the CompSec. The scales will be available throughout the competition. A Scale Steward can ask for and expect to receive, assistance from an angler on an adjacent swim or close to the start point for weighing-in.
  5. Match Fees and/or Prize Pools, if any, are to be paid to the CompSec., on the day of the Competition and prior to the draw.
    Note The Xmas Competition must be booked and paid for no later than 1st December through the CompSec. No refunds or transfers permitted once a booking is paid for and accepted.
2 Eligibility
  1. All Members are entitled to take part or put themselves forward for selection in all competitions unless qualifying conditions are required – see Fixture List.
  2. Selection of members for Teams representing the Company shall be by Team Captains – check with the CompSec. for a list of Team Captains.
  3. Any Team fishing under the Company name must be made up from current Members of the Company who are willing and able to participate. If insufficient Members are available, Team Captains may invite guest anglers to make up numbers on a temporary basis.
3 Allocation of Swims or Pegs
  1. A draw will determine swim or peg allocation for the Competition, unless deemed otherwise by the CompSec. on the day.
  2. Any angler suffering from a physical disability may, at the discretion of the CompSec. be offered a choice of swims closer to the draw point or be allowed to use a Caddy to carry their equipment to and from the selected swim or peg. Once at the swim no further assistance can be given.
  3. In all “roving” competitions entrants must “walk-off” in the order determined by the Draw number. No competitor may pass or short-cut another entrant drawn ahead of them until that person has stopped and selected their peg/swim. A vacant peg/swim, can be selected once passed by all those ahead in the draw.
  4. On matches where swims may be of unequal distance or width, only those swims designated by the CompSec. can be used, with only one angler per swim (except for the joint adult competition).
  5. On other venues, where the 15 metre distance rule has been applied, no competitor can contravene the rule, whether by mutual consent with others or not.
  6. Fishing area limits apply to all pegs or swims. On flowing waters the limit is 1 metre above (upstream) of the peg to 1 metre above the adjacent downstream peg. On still water the limit is half the distance between adjacent pegs. On any water where there are pegs or swims on opposite banks to one another, the limit shall be the mid-point between both banks.
  7. Competitors must restrict their activities to within these boundaries. No tackle, groundbait or loose feed is to be allowed to encroach into neighbouring swims.
4 General Match Rules
  1. The water must not be broken before the start signal except for the purposes of mixing ground-bait, placing of keep-nets, clearing their ground of weed or obstructions and position their equipment, shotting of floats and plumbing or assessing depth using floats, ledger weights or un-baited feeders.
  2. The Competition will start and finish by signal from the CompSec. – usually a whistle.
  3. Only one rod or pole with one hook can be used at any one time. Other tackle can be prepared but must be un-baited and placed away from the water.
  4. No competitor may introduce their baited hook into the swim other than by the pole or rod to which the line is attached.
  5. Feed may be introduced into the swim by hand, catapult, pole pot, throwing stick, feeder, bait dropper, bait cup or bait shuttle. No other mechanical methods of projecting feed, including bait boats of any description are permitted.
  6. No bait or feed is to be introduced with the use of a second rod or pole, only the one being fished with.
  7. The use of live (or dead) fish baits, spinners or lures are not permitted in any competition, except during “Pike” matches.
  8. Floating baits are NOT permitted at all.
  9. The use of electronic fish finders is strictly forbidden.
  10. The use of electronic bite alarms or buzzers or other audible devices is strictly forbidden.
  11. Competitors must strike, play and land any fish within the confines of their designated peg or swim.
  12. If a competitor leaves the confines of their peg for any reason, they must remove the tackle from the water, remove the bait from the hook and make the hook safe.
  13. Competitors must retain all fish in EA approved keepnets. (As per Angling Rules section 4.4)
  14. Game fish and crustaceans are not eligible to be weighed in and should not be retained with match fish.
  15. Carp must be kept in a separate keepnet from other species of fish.
  16. Large single fish, certainly any approaching 10lb or more should wherever possible, be weighed-in and returned to the water immediately. In any event they must not be kept in a keepnet for longer than 1 hour. Do not carry any fish around the water, respectfully ask the Scale Steward to come to your swim as soon as convenient.
  17. No more than 50lb of fish must be kept in a single keepnet. If this limit is found to be exceeded during the weigh-in, only 50lb will be recorded towards the competitor’s total match weight.
  18. Competitors must stop fishing at the signal to stop, anyone playing a fish hooked before the stop signal will be allowed no more than 15 minutes after the stop signal, to land the fish.
  19. Competitors are responsible for ensuring that their swim is litter and rubbish free before the weigh-in – even if left by others.
  20. Failure to comply with any Competition Rules may result in the competitor being disqualified or their catch being refused official weigh-in and sanction.
  21. Any breach of rules or conduct that is likely to bring the Company into disrepute must be notified to the CompSec. or Scale Stewards before the offenders catch is weighed-in. If the offence is disputed the weigh-in may take place subject to further investigation and determination of action to be taken at a later time or place.
  22. All match weights are to be recorded by the Scale Steward and agreed with the competitor at the time of the weigh-in. The CompSec. shall have the final word in any disputes.
  23. The Comp-sec. shall collate match results, determine standings and allocate / pay out any Prize Pools.
  24. For multi-stage competitions the Comp-sec. must also update any relevant accumulative records to show current standings.
  25. The Comp-sec. is responsible for keeping accurate records of all competitions and trophy or prize winners and supplying copies of all such records to the Admin Officer for archival and publishing purposes